how pink is really pink?? -Review by Devsheel Gaurav
Well let me assured you that it is really vogue to write a review after a great delay of time. In fact it's like writing a burial post for gone by things. Yet if you are reading it, rest assured that though the dish is stale yet the garnishing is fresh. Off late when I saw the movie, it was more of public opinion than self made decision. But believe me I am not those pals who like flicks out of hearsay but critically examin e it through. Pink as the normal heuristics suggests, is not a girlie movie. Had Aniruddh Roy (Director) named it court room that probably would have been better. As barring few scenes rest all the movie revolves around it. I often argued people as whether story is the king or the actor? But certainly in case of pink it's otherwise. In fact there is no story line but a small incident and unlike Ronit Roy's famous soap Adalat, they made pink. Ritesh Shah (the story and screen play writer) could neither justify at either front. Even he missed certain p