THE WAY I SEE THE WORLD A famous story goes as 4 blind people got the opportunity to understand as how an elephant feels like. Each one chose different parts of elephant. Someone took trunk and formed his opinion as elephant looks likes a huge pipe. Similarly, the rest of people had their own opinion about elephant. The clash started amongst them when they share their opinion with others and none of them agreed to the others. Meanwhile, a wise man passed through. He saw them fighting and told them that it is not the entire elephant they noticed/observed rather different body part of it and that is how they formed their opinion. Though the story is old enough and so do with learning. However, people have a tendency to forget the learning and apply it in practical life. It is not the matter that the learning has forbidden but confined to mere a story only. I personally feel that there are two genres of people in the world, one who has developed expertise in their field and another on...