PRISONER OF PAST He knew well that not every dream is meant to be realized, not every secret to be shared and not every truth to be told. He passed through the thoroughfare, a mild wind blew and dry tree leaves fallen down on the way. He sighed. The autumn has set in and has suffused its effect gradually. A little far away he saw passing a couple. The payment was partially clear as the night lamps were trying hard to make it illuminated till their reach. As they passed through the light post, their figure could become clearer. He castes a quick glance over the girl. And her posture resembled with his forgone love, he thought once. The couple was leading mere a few yards. He could only hear the giggles and sexy jokes until he reached just behind them. A girl, who shares and laugh on a guy's sexist joke is either having a broad mentality, very close to that guy or they have an intimacy. Although, he sidelined the other possibilities except the opinion that they might ...