The Other Side of Grass........

The other side of grass An old adage goes ‘Grass is always look green from the other side’ lateral meaning of this would be ‘people always see the brighter aspect of anything whereas there is some dark aspect too.’ We see success as an achievement where as we don’t consider the pain which one has to bear to get that. In a layman term we focus on result not the endeavor or labor put to get that achievement. I remember an old incident to make this clear to you. During my project work in some NGO (name cannot be disclosed) we were considering on various improvement programs are being run by our organization most of them were of child relief, women empowerment and so on. One of our program was focused on upliftment of garbage cleaners and junk dealer. Basically our coordinator has to visit the places where garbage clears dwell and the main work of coordinator is to motivate garbage cleaners to leave that work and provide them some better opportunity. One day one of our coordinator came up ...