Why MLM (Multi Level Marketing) is having a trust issue?

How often you came across someone known to you associated with MLM and boasted a lot of benefits of pursuing the same and earn big? I am pretty sure that at some point of time or other you would have the same experience like many other who are promised to riches and perks for joining this business model. If you ever been a part of any such discussion or ever came across someone who is much eager to let you join the business and shares lengths of details of benefits of being a part of it, you would have been surprised for a moment for the feasibility of such business model. Had it been such a great business model, why it is less trust worthy and why and how it can lead to a possible business scam. Off late I had a the same experience when one of my neighbor approached me and despite my least interest explained the faulty business model to me which tend me to introspect and write a detail write up on MLM. There are several reasons as people keep a bay from this business model and ...