chase of dreams.........(contd. dreams should be there)

Below mention discussion is a part of this article. personal information and some part of discussion and identity of other fellow have been suppressed from public view. keeping the same thing in mind some alteration has been made. Me: your comments inspire me to do better Anonymous: oh...thanks Me: don't know what I wish to get and why I do such strange thing like writing and reading but deep down somewhere I have a quest of being famous. Perhaps this would turn to a good plate form Anonymous: just remember to keep this fire within you alive n it would take its own course of time Me: I have seen having the same flair in people but sooner it starts dwindling. Anonymous: no, it does seem it’s dwindling. But its u who has to find ways to rekindle it Me: yeah it's true, I write because I want to share my feeling with others’, but success in not easy to be earned Anonymous: yes. And get acknowledged for the same Me: how many people visited my blog and how many of them gave me comme...