IMMOLATION- My journey to imperfection Immolation; a new word added to my dictionary, the meaning might be easy but practice and experience is far away to imbibe it completely. Random thoughts haunting in the mind; at time I am lost and join the queue of looser but no longer I ready to fight back. The feeling of disappointment growing with each passing days; seeing other growing indeed a challenge in itself. Every disapproval makes me realize that enough is enough and perhaps this is not my cup of tea but when I introspect and retrospect, I find no other option but to fight back again. Every night I sleep with tension and worries of gone day and every morning I get up with certain expectation and new hopes. To vent out my frustration of my failure (every single) at time to raise my consideration aligning my experience, knowledge and skills but a fear of not getting any project spine through veins. Perhaps negotiation can be made only with people with similar capacity and I h...