STRUGGLER’S DIARY Woke up early in the morning; in fact buzzing sound of alarm clock made me realize that dawn has already set. Although I could not give up the idea of taking a small nap but expectation and dream of magnificent and glorious life compelled me one more time and pushed me hard to go back to work. It took me almost more than an hour to get ready. While stepping out I prayed and prayed hard wishing my prayer to be answered at least once and may be this time I could make it. Unlike me there was a long queue of strugglers who were pine for getting even a friction of second to appear before the camera. However there were no special care and arrangement for screen shots. Girls, boys oldies and even children where there. Some of them reached before the studio opened. Rising up mercury worsen the situation. All make up and preparation washed away. Clothes were so much drenched as it has been just rinse. Finally after couple of hours waiting; it was my turn I fel...