
Showing posts with the label # Motivational

स्थायित्व का अर्थ

मेरे पिताजी अक्सर कहा करते थे, कि सैटेल तो केवल डस्ट होती है। उम्र के लगभग 33 बसंत देख चुकने के बाद आज भी जब कभी इस विषय में सोचता हूँ तो लगता है कि ये बात कितनी प्रासंगिक है। बचपन से ही हमें सपने दिखाए जाते है कि हम ये कर सकते है, वो कर सकते है और हमारे सामने संभावनाओं का एक विशाल समुद्र होता है। समय के साथ-साथ इसकी परिणीति अपनी प्रासंगिकता खोने लगती है। और धीरे-धीरे संभावनाओं की प्रकृति भी संकुचित होने लगती है। फिर भी बचपन के उसी स्वप्नलोक में से हम अपने लिए एक लक्ष्य का चुनाव करते है। अच्छा-बुरा, कैसा भी हो लक्ष्य सिर्फ लक्ष्य होता है। और हम मे से काफी लोग उस लक्ष्य को हासिल करने में अपना सब कुछ होम कर देते है। परंतु वो लोग जो अपने निर्धारित लक्ष्य को प्राप्त भी कर लेते है, भले ही दूसरों के लिए उदाहरण बन जाये परंतु अक्सर वास्तविकता के धरातल पर उनके सपनों का दुखद अंत हो जाता है। बचपन से जिस सपने को जिया, जिसके अतिरिक्त कुछ और सोचा ही नही। वो तो बिल्कुल वैसा नही है, जैसा सुना था या विश्वास था। आदमी की हालत उस कुत्ते के जैसी हो जाती है, जो हर गुजरने वाली गाड़ी के पीछे भागता तो है मगर गा...


Many a time I thought about it but barring few vogue ideas seldom any meaningful thing popped up in my barren mind. However, I stumble upon the title when everything turned around. Imagine that the pay master expresses his inability to pay you as business is doomed. However, he also agrees to remain your services intact and assures you to resume once everything normalized. Your work from home option serves no purpose as it is more like spending time with your family and fails to acknowledge the effort you put in. You move ahead accepting it’s a part of life. Start giving time to what you are good at but then realize that life is full of thankless people and jobs that hardly acknowledge your effort, dedication, devotion and hard effort. Freelancing turns free and mere time pass activity as the people you worked for refuse to pay you. They stop taking calls and even replying your messages. The irritation grew up gradually, you want to punch on their face but unable to do so. The incomp...


Once a king had thought to know about the opportune time, what is important to do then and who is important person. When it strikes and how he can identify it. He asked his courtier about it but all of them had different opinion. Moreover, none of the opinion could satisfy him. Meanwhile, a veteran courtier advised him to go to north and meet a saint. He has answer of all his queries. The king decides to meet the saint and started out with some of his soldiers. While passing through a jungle king saw a deer and expressed his wish to hunt. The deer was fast enough and quickly ran into the dense jungle, following the deer king lost his crown and his entire clothes town leaving scratches on his body that oozing out blood. All his soldiers left far behind and scattered hither and thither. The king was very tired and thirsty too. At once he finds a hut he moved near to the hut. There he sees an old man digging a pit near the hut. He asked the old man to give some water to quench hi...