
Nothing official about it

An official circular combining two different information was posted on notice board. The first one was of a holiday notice and second was a confirmation notice about nullifying a holiday on a particular date. Readers wits came to end to apprehend it. Few believed that the vacation will continue till the date mentioned in it. However such interpretation was not apprehend by the management and either to save paper or showing some extra brilliance they clubbed it together and it created a chaotic situation. Later on when matter was brought to the notice of management, mistake was realized and a different notice was prepared to clear the wind. Meanwhile someone from the management suggested to strike off the second part of notice as when we are not declaring a holiday it would be assumed that the office will remain open. The confusion can be averted. I was asked the same thing and I narrated an interesting incident to make it more clear as what I believe. Once a person was going somewh...

Iss Kahani Ke Sabhi Paatr aur Ghatnayein Kaalpanik Hai

Remember the notification often used to mentioned in most of the soaps and flicks, all the names, characters and incidents are portrayed in this production are fictitious and bears no resemblance and if any resemblance is found it would be purely a coincidence. You might or might not have taken it seriously and believed that the disclaimer is the only part of the copy write act and it's statutory. But have you ever though t that the philosophy of our life is more like this disclaimer where people and place seldom bears any importance until a real coincidence happens and force you to believe that your life is not like this disclaimer where nothing matters to you. On Wednesday a mishap happened with a Delhi height Mahabul. In the wee hour when he was returning to his home after his night duty. He was hit by an auto, the auto driver halted there and when he realized that nobody noticed him. He left Mahabul dying and ran away. Passer by did not come to help him later on a rickshaw ...

ऊँची जात बनाम पिछड़ी जात

आज भले ही हम अपने विशाल जीवन दर्शन और ज्ञान कि बात करें तो अनचाहे ही समाज के एक ख़ास हिस्से से ख़ुद को जोड़े रखने का ख्याल आते ही हमारे मन और मस्तिष्क में एक अजब ही द्वंद शुरू हो जाता है. दुनिया को दिखाने के लिए हम भले ही जात-पांत को एक ढकोसला मान कर अपनी दरियादिली और वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् का परचम लहराते रहे, परंतु मन ही मन हम शायद ही इस विचार से निजात पा सके कि जात-पाँत एक ढकोसला मात्र है. सच पूछा जाएँ समाज के दोनों तबकों में यह एक झुँझलाहट और खीज साफ़ तौर पर देखी जा सकती है. एक तरफ़ जहाँ पिछड़ी जात अपने प्रति सदियों तलक किए गए उपेक्छा, अपमान और अनदेखी के वर्षो तक सृजित कुंठा के परिराम स्वरूप ऊँची जात को नफरत कि निगाह से देखती है वही दूसरी तरफ़ ऊँची जात वाले बाबा भीम राओ अंबेडकर द्वारा निर्धारित आरक्षण द्वारा ख़ुद को शोषित मेह्सूस कर रहे है और गाहे- बेगहे आरक्षण समाप्त करने कि वकालत करते नजर आ रहे है. गौरतलब बात ये है कि भले ही रज्नितिक पार्टियों द्वारा पिछड़ी जातियों को लुभाने के लिए चला गया यह तुरुप का एक्का पिछड़ी जातियों के लिए एक बैसाखी से बढ़ कर कुछ भी नही है. आजादी कि इतने समय ब...

आखिर क्यों जरूरी है राम मंदिर

अगर विगत कई सालों के राजनितिक फायदों को दर किनार कर दिया जाये तो भी एक यछ प्रश्न प्रायः ही हमारे सामने खड़ा होता है की अयोध्या में राम मंदिर आखिर क्यों जरूरी है? और क्या वास्तव में इससे किसी को (खासकर हिन्दुओं को) वास्तव में कोई दिलचस्पी होनी चाहिए या नहीं? तो सबसे पहले मैं इस विषय को काल खण्डों से निर्दिष्ट कुछ तथ्यों और तर्कों से जोड़कर आपको इसके महत्त्व के बारे में बताना चाहुगा. मंदिर बनाम मस्जिद :-इतिहास के पन्नो को अगर पलटकर देखे तो हम पाते है  की मुग़ल वंश का संस्थापक और लुटेरा बाबर कोई और नहीं बल्कि हिन्दुओं का कट्टर शत्रु और उनके धार्मिक रीति रिवाजों को को ठेस पहुंचाने वाला एक विदेशी आक्रान्ता था. जिंसने बड़ी ही क्रूरता और अमानुषिक ढंग से हिन्दुओं का नरसंहार कराया और अनेक हिन्दू तथा जैन मंदिरों को नस्ट कर दिया. बाबर के तात्कालिक गवर्नर मीर बाकी ने पुजारियों से यह स्थान छीनने के बाद हिन्दुओं के पूज्य स्थान राम मंदिर को 1527 ईस्वी में गिराकर मस्जिद का निर्माण कराया. इस बात की पुष्टि करता हुआ एक शिला लेख 1992 में बाबरी मस्जिद के ढहाए गए अवशेषों से भी प्राप्त हुआ है. यही नहीं...

kabhi yun bhi kabhi

main kya likhta hoon isse shayad hi kisi ko fark padta ho, sirf tarref bhar kar dena ya fir nighahein feir lene bhar se is baat ki itishree ho jaati hai. kuch baat jehan mein tikti to nahi, bajahir taur par ise jehni gawariyat ya aalsipan na kahe to aur kya kahe? mumkin taur par aaj jab hum jehni aur ehsasiyat se pare ek aisi duniya mein reh rahe hai Jahan aksar ye baatein deewanapan lagti hai, us par turra yeh ki mukhatib shakhs aapki baaton se ittefaq ra khe ye hargij bhi jarrori nahi. Sahi Mayne mein aap jalaliyat ki ek aisi hakiki duniya mein ji rahe hai, Jahan kuch bhi kehne ya sunne ke talabgaar bahut ki gine chune hi honge. usse bhi buri aur napasandgi ki baat ye hai ki aapko unlogon ko apni guftgoo rabta karni pade jo shayad hi aapke maslo se tarruf rahte ho? kai baar to Yun bhi hua hai, ki aap jehni taur par kisi khaas masle par apni rai shumaar kar rahe ho aur tarruf Karne Wala shakhs apni hi masroofiyat mein mashgool ho. yakeenan jis waqt aapko iska ilm hota hai, aap ko jeh...

Experience Speaks

I have always been a supporter of frugality be it money or words. But in reality you have to devoid most of the pleasantries that otherwise you have enjoyed. I practiced it years but neither too much frugality nor extravagance will help you all the time. moreover in dictionary being frugal to express the feeling is termed 'Coy' though I am not very sure as whether it justifies my personality or not. But those who know me from pretty long will surely buy this  logic. Altruism does not lie of being frugal or extravagant because in both the cases until it has any monetary value. In my case I had to cut sorry figures many a time for being frugal in expressing my feeling. The worst thing about being frugal in expression is most of the people assume that either you are arrogant or don't have knowledge. The second one is applicable to me. I remember an incident when I was doing matriculation from the same school where my father was teaching. It made me more frugal and humble to s...


Hindu are fools and Muslim are no better than them; we are living in the global era they are still fighting for stupid reason like religion which has seldom any importance in today’s world. People are fighting over cow and goat, over beef and mutton. Who came first and who preceded whom, Islam is big or Hinduism? However I hardly see someone serving the humanity over religion. If you are dying and have an urgent requirement of blood, will you ask from the blood bank that only Hindu donor’s blood would be given or only Muslim’s. Never why, because when it comes to save your life you seldom ask someone’s religion. So should I interpret it that religion is for self satisfaction and nothing else. Yes you guessed it right. You can call me atheist because I say so. People are still fighting over trifles and most of the time important things are sidelined from the discussion. May be or may not be you are agree it or not but if any of you would stand up and ask any of your spiritual leader a...