

Recently, Loon Inc a subsidiary of alphabet Inc of Google has launched loon balloons to provide internet services in Narobi. Altogether 35 such balloons have been launched. This will cover approximately 31,000 square km area throughout central western Kenya and Narobi. Theses balloons work as floating mobile towers. They are powered by solar cell and guided through the software. They float in the stratosphere for almost 100 days and then return back to the earth. The entire project was announced in July 2018. The technology can work in remote areas and places where installation of tower is difficult.   How Loon Balloons work? Loon balloons are deployed in stratosphere to form a network, between the altitudes of 18 to 25km. The stratosphere is advantageous because of low turbulence and wind speed. The longitude and latitude of these balloons can be changed through clanging the altitude. This is done by changing the volume and density of the filled gas. The technology can be us...


When Airtel commercial aired company promoter never thought of that public response will backfire  so hard that it will smash all their marketing plans and strategies. The commercial has received 52,218 views on YouTube alone; however users’ comments are quite disheartening. Users have repeatedly complaint about poor services offered by the company. Some of them also complaint about the grievance handling technique used by the company. Unfortunately, none of official statement regarding resolving their issues has been mentioned on it. Probably this is the only commercial of Airtel that has very low viewership. The commercial has received only 52 thousand views so far. However, only 5 days ago launched platinum customer commercial has received 5 million views. If you go by the common apprehension probably this could be a counter attack of advertisement to diminish the effect of last one. In the new commercial the line between priority customer and ordinary one has drawn. ...


The trailer of Breath 2 is out but if we spare the story line carried out in previous season, there is hardly anything new to talk about. The new season is about to release on 10 th July on Amazon prime, yet the trailer seems not much convincing rather replicating and the narrating the story of another web series ASUR. The random killing of people, vengeance and hunt for missing child are the probably the new thing that has given much leverage upon. Yet those who have already seen the first season of Breath can easily guess the story. The story line of previous season was based on fatherly affection of a person to save his son, who is suffering from weak lungs. The search of organ donor and getting his son’s treatment done turns into bloodshed killing of innocent patient. However, irrespective of what would be new in this season, there is a wild guess as in the new season desperate father found someone who will decisively kill the random people to save his daughter, who has b...


Once a king had thought to know about the opportune time, what is important to do then and who is important person. When it strikes and how he can identify it. He asked his courtier about it but all of them had different opinion. Moreover, none of the opinion could satisfy him. Meanwhile, a veteran courtier advised him to go to north and meet a saint. He has answer of all his queries. The king decides to meet the saint and started out with some of his soldiers. While passing through a jungle king saw a deer and expressed his wish to hunt. The deer was fast enough and quickly ran into the dense jungle, following the deer king lost his crown and his entire clothes town leaving scratches on his body that oozing out blood. All his soldiers left far behind and scattered hither and thither. The king was very tired and thirsty too. At once he finds a hut he moved near to the hut. There he sees an old man digging a pit near the hut. He asked the old man to give some water to quench hi...

जैविक खतरे की तरफ बढ़ता विश्व

जैविक खतरे की तरफ बढ़ता विश्व विगत कुछ दिनों में करोना वायरस जैसी वैश्विक महामारी ने विकसित और विकासशील दोनों देशो के मध्य चिंता की एक बड़ी लकीर खींच दी है। यही नहीं इसने विकसित देशो के हर प्रकार के खतरे से निपटने के दावों की न केवल पोल खोल दी है बल्कि ये चेतावनी भी दे दी है कि राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा को लेकर उनके द्वारा अपनाये जा रहे मानदंड न केवल महज खानापूर्ति भर है बल्कि वैश्विक स्तर पर भी नाकाफी है। बदलते परिवेश के मुताबिक विकसित देशो को जैविक हथियारों के निर्माण और प्रचार-प्रसार पर निगाह रखनी अत्यंत आवश्यक हो गई है। गौरतलब है कि भले ही आज विश्व में करोना जैसे वायरस को एक वैश्विक बीमारी का दर्जा दिया जा रहा हो सम्भावना ये भी हो सकती है कि कोरोना जैसा वायरस जैविक हथियारों का एक परिक्षण मात्र हो। ज्ञान्तव हो कि आज की ही भांति यदि किसी प्रकार के जैविक हथियार का प्रयोग भविष्य में अगर किया गया तो इसके परिणाम कितने भयानक हो सकते है। कल्पना कीजिये कि आप के अडोस-पड़ोस में बसेरा करने वाले पशु-पक्षियों से लेकर वे तमाम व्यक्ति जिनके संपर्क में आप रोज आते है किसी न किसी प्रकार के वायरस के वा...

Why MLM (Multi Level Marketing) is having a trust issue?

How often you came across someone known to you associated with MLM and boasted a lot of benefits of pursuing the same and earn big? I am pretty sure that at some point of time or other you would have the same experience like many other who are promised to riches and perks for joining this business model. If you ever been a part of any such discussion or ever came across someone who is much eager to let you join the business and shares lengths of details of benefits of being a part of it, you would have been surprised for a moment for the feasibility of such business model. Had it been such a great business model, why it is less trust worthy and why and how it can lead to a possible business scam. Off late I had a the same experience when one of my neighbor approached me and despite my least interest explained the faulty business model to me which tend me to introspect and write a detail write up on MLM. There are several reasons as people keep a bay from this business model and ...

तारीख़-तारीख़ का फ़र्क

“तुम इस बार फिर अपने किये वादे से मुक़र गए । यहाँ तक कि जो तारीख़ अपने आने की तुमने खुद मुकर्रर की थी उससे भी चूक गए । तुमने तो यह नया शगल ही बना लिया है आख़िर तुम्हारे इरादें क्या हैं? चाहतें क्या हों तुम? और तों और तुम्हारे आने-जाने का कुछ पता ही नहीं होता । कोंई राबता भी करे तों कैसे?” अपनी शिकवा-शिकायतों का यह दौर अक्सर ही ग़ाहे-बेगाहे मेरी छुट्टियों पर जाने और वापस लौट कर आने की मुकर्रर की गई तारीख़ के अपने वादे पर मुक़म्मल न रहने के रवैये से जुड़े होने और अपने आला अधिकारियों से अक्सर ही सुने जाने वाले जुमलों में शुमार हो चुका था । फ़ौरी तौर पर कहने को लोग इसे मेरी अदावत के तरीक़े के तौर पर पेश कर सकते है, मगर जहनी तौर पर ये कहना सरासर ग़लत न होगा कि चाहे-अनचाहे मैं इस बात से राबता रखता हूँ । ये कहना भी ग़लत नहीं होगा कि इस रिश्ते की रुसवाईयों और बेवफ़ाई के लिए मैं अकेला ही ज़िम्मेदार हूँ । इसके इतर इन रुसवाइयों कि वजह वो सैकड़ो कसमों और वादों की एक लम्बी फ़ेहरिस्त है जो अक्सर ही इस्तेमाल के बाद कूड़ेदान में फ़ेंक दिए गए सामानों की होती है । लाख शिद्दत के बाद भी मैंने जब कोई माकूल ...