
Showing posts from 2014

Being Lucky

Few people are just born fortunate; inheritances, credentials, skills, opportunity, love and so on. Keep adding adjectives. You love someone fight for her with families and when everything was almost poised you realized that it’s gone. You question yourself; was it everything you were fighting for? Dreams smashed, bruises of pass by days snatches the complacency. Not on   your   tintype ……………………………..and it’s over now. You were making castle in the most beautiful part of your world and sooner you find yourself adjunct in the end of the world. You repent over and over again; being good was a choice but not the option. Life slams the door and darkness prevails. Justifying good self; and demeaning other’s shortcoming. Life isn’t good as it presumed in books, psalm and in dreams. It’s like a computer game that cheats when you are almost about to finish and to reach to the next level. 

Graveyard of Memoire

Welcome to the graveyard of memoire, you won’t find the closed gate or the decoration of any kind. A thin pavement filled with dust of gone by years and enormous foot prints of known and unknown would pave you to the memories of the sleeping people. Some of gravestones are imprinted with name and years on it where as few are unrecognized. The shape, size and texture differentiate them; few are as fresh as they have been buried off late and few struggling hard to be remembered. It has never seen the happy faces or smiling attendant. Every worldly prompt and parade ends here. Although it is always busy day and night with the visitors and attendants. Flowers and garlands often decorate either the new one or the one that never forgotten.


"Five spelling error and unfathomable sentence formation; and you still boast off to be a good writer.  I am not sure how come you write such great things if I presume what you said are true. Unfortunately you don't meet my expectation, so forget about writing assignment. I cannot keep my organizations and personal image at stake. You might have plagiarized from somewhere.” The prospect meeting and my would-be boss collided with my credentials; having extinction of all the possibility of hope and recognition. And my confidence and experience stumbled upon. I know that I might not be good enough to scribble it but that is what we have technologies to ease for. I tried to explain it, now a day’s who does prefer to scribble in note books. My answer was making somewhat sense but he was stereotyped of what he had learnt years. The second main concern was the apprehension of my writing. Yes I too believe that at time it doesn't make sense (at least to amateur readers) and m...


The Evidence If you think you will kill someone and bury it for years, mind it, you can escape days and years but not forever. Truth will come out and the earth and sky would witnesses the crime. The longer it remains silence the painful would be the punishment. No crime is evaded forever, nor the guilty. Even the secret association of migh ty and the dirty game of politics cannot save you.                                  Between Scylla and Charybdis Years hand on experience, learning and best practices developed after several years of hardship finally comes to an end when a hara-kiri decision of leaving the organization appears in the mind. The surprising factor comes with a blow to change your world for now and perhaps forever. Was it the reward of my loyalty and sincerity I always practiced? Were all the recommendations and appreciation mere materialistic? Should I cry or m...

And spring comes again……………….

Once bitten twice shy, well said and explained indeed we appreciate it. I wish I could practice the same. All the hatred and envy I gathered in years just cast away in the first rain of gratitude. Shall we move on? I asked my inner self, the crackling sound of a broken heart seems too fragile that it was almost a miss. I moved ahead burying my forgone pride and prestige for good. The soul was left behind and the body moved ahead; a body without soul???? Yes similar to the meeting of Dhritrastra with Bheem after the decease of his loving son Duryodhan. I couldn’t understand as why I buried the hatches when it was perfect timed to retaliate. In search of mine I looked in mirror and he said:- I don’t know you, your face might resembles with someone I knew years ago. But he has been assassinated and became victim of blind trust. From then I have stopped believing humans I reflect what they look like not what they are. How does it feel to kill someone? I had no answer but I avoided h...

INFIDELITY- A Blessing in Disguise

“A man can be happy with any women; as long as he does not love her.”-Oscar Wilde. The more I think and heard about it, the more curiosity it generated to be explored further. Nevertheless I could not develop any definite reason and result as why it so crucial and why people don’t mind crossing the social and moral threshold despite having a marital or social commitment. The blasphemy of commitment and trust is almost at the verge of breaking. Unveiling the secret might not be considered as perfect solution neither did keeping a silence. To understand the social and environmental impact over the human behavior might throw some light on it.  To make it more candid and precise we need to begin from where it actually started, here I have mentioned certain social and psychological phenomenon and tried to make a clear picture of it. a)       Opposite attracts : - Despite having several years of learning we often sideline the thumb rule of attractio...

आओ वेल्लापंथी करें

वेल्ला अर्थात वह व्यक्ति जिसके पास करने योग्य कोई काम ना हो; मूलतः देशज शब्द खलिहर का नवीनतम रूपांतरण है. विकसित होने की प्रक्रिया में न सिर्फ़ हमारा शारीरिक और मानसिक कायंतरन हुआ बल्कि कुछ भाषागत विकास भी दृष्टिगोचर हुआ. वर्तमान समय के अनुसार देखा जाएँ तो वेल्लागिरी करने वालों को कभी सम्मान की नजर से नही देखा जाता है. सांसारिक सुखों और व्यस्तता का ढोंग रचने के लिए हर किसी ने एक छद्म आवरण ओढ़ लिया है जबकि वास्तविकता में हर मनुश्य किसी ना किसी प्रकार से वेल्ला है. हालाँकि वेल्लगिरि कि ये परंपरा सदियों से चली आ रही है, देवताओं, ऋषियों, मनुष्यों, राजाओं यहाँ तक कि वेदों और महाकाव्यों की रचना करने वाले भी वेल्लापंथि ही थे. घंटों तर्क- वितर्क करना, शास्त्रथ करना और इन जैसे ना जाने ही कितने ऐसे कार्य है जो सिर्फ़ वेल्लापंथियो की देन है. सच पूछा जाएँ तो वेल्लापंथि एक दैवीय गुण है और जिन मनुष्यों को इसमे दक्छ्ता हासिल होती है वे ही आगे चलकर इतिहास रचते है. प्रथिस्थित् कंपनी कि नौकरी छोड़ कर वेल्लागिरि की राह् पकड़ने वाला एक दिन व्हाटस अप जैसे सॉफ्टवेयर का निर्माण करके रातों रात अमीर बन ज...

Crying over spilled milk

The elusion was the only thing I could wish for, but the memoire of gone by days did not evaded me easily. Falsifying fact of being independent and financial gratification did not last lost. Comparison was inevitable and absurd but we have at least something to flaunt our worth and materialistic achievement. Might the battle have won but the lost the war intrinsically?  The insurgency kindled and sooner robbed all the peace of mind and swaying waves of jealousy entered with the gift of frustration and hatred.  Pink turned to blue and then grey.  The enmity of fate and destiny triumphed over hard work. Another new sedan and new villa proved the culmination of owner and smirked off others. Wishes and greeting wasn’t warm as often cited rather the smoldering faces of visitors offered the best reward to the owner. The show went a blockbuster and the showman turned to be a new icon of society. The nightmare broke into stability and soundness of mind.  The veiling so...


Years back (sound great when I use this word and in fact at times saves me from unnecessary trouble) on a date me and my girlfriend decided to go to coffee bar (I still wonder why I agreed to it). Other than the ambience and well mannered stewards if anything else haunted me really was the rate of different flavors. After couple of minute’s sincere observation and presuming the dent it can cause me to my wallet I decided to escape by from the bar. However I could not do so. Steward approached to take the order, “Don’t you have tea?” he gave me a surprised look as if I blaspheme the place and owner. My girlfriend nudged me and placed the order. I wonder and asked her, “Why don’t they add tea in their menu? People like me can come for tea as well specially country like India where we associate tea as a part of courtesy and warmness. I seldom remember any of my relative and known has ever asked about coffee. In fact we Indian have strong bonding and sentiments for tea though we cannot...

Who’s opinion really matters?

Couple of days back while browsing few e-papers and magazine I compelled to stop by on bollywood gossip section, where veteran thespian actor Amir Khan stated another bollywood celebrity Salman Khan as biggest celebrity and assured guarantee for success (indeed the grand one) of the movie whichever he acts. The most interesting part was the remark that he made for salman quoting, “Salman is a big star, and movies hit box- office cause of his name only. In our movies we act, dance, sing and do whatever director and movies appeals to make it successful but for Salman; he appears, shakes leg with co-actress, and does some action and movies become a blockbuster.” For the first instance I took it as mockery of someone’s (Salman’s) natural talent or audience appeal but later I realized the fact and importance of “what and whose opinion really matters? For example before embarking a career in writing I was mere a professional, working hard to make both the end meet and sparing few time ...


It’s been almost half an hour sitting in a café and just gazing the menu card as if I am doing some research on it and ordering nothing. Steward hovered around twice to check whether I have made up my mind or mere passing the time occupying a crucial business space. However I assured him that I am expecting my girl friend and order once she is there. I am not sure how much I could convince him but at least assured him a future prospect. A little later she appeared in the café, with long pink frock, wearing light make up and mascara on eye lids. The more I saw her, the more I fell in love with her. At time I wonder why and how God made girls so beautiful. The conversation started with usual topic but a peculiar way. Girl: - “Sorry Gaurav, I am late you know the usual traffic jam. It took me almost two hours to reach here from Karol Bagh.” (The very first thing that gave me an alarming note was her apology. She never says sorry. More over I knew that she is lying, was it traffic or ...

THE LIFE LINE- one more day to live…….

One more suspicion and one more clarification but the prejudice had already been made. Finally upgraded my thesaurus, confrontation, acceptance and remorse has been interchanged with suspicion, guilt, blames and many more catastrophically words and phrases. Can exile or renouncement be the only solution of our miseries? The barren mind could not produce any better and soon the entire piece of work found its new abode at bin.  Was it money or stability I was wishing to prolong for? Fastidious minds; cursed them and to the god, turmoil soon came to end with a warning note. Could not fathom it, the combinations seem abstruse, the judgment was already made. How long it will prevail?  The adjustment was weird and choices were narrowed. The bleak out life was searching meaning and importance of it. Screaming responsibilities were dragging me down. Kaleidoscopic view of miseries were indeed a novel candy for great minds and may be some day will be buried in hard bound book;...


Spent hours to diagnose of what has happened to me, search out several and several sites and pages to find the answer of my quest. On one site the question of time travel was the hot topic. The flooded answers with abstruse logic and crave for perfection was everywhere. I realized it was not only I paranoid with this syndrome but many more. One more incident of today’s morning appeared before me; I was trying to connect my headphone with my phone however my headphone is not compatible with my phone. Despite several attempt to connect it I failed, I gave up the idea of listening my favorite music. Though it was a normal routine to me and everybody would suggest changing either one but perhaps that’s not the answer I am looking for. We don’t have choices every time or at time we never wish to. It’s just like travelling with flat tyre though you are sure you cannot go very far yet you don’t have the extra one.   One more practical and realistic incident appeared before me when...


A father’s advocacy to protect and patronize his child caused envy to me as I didn't had the luxury of being favorite and assertive. Life would have been different if only they would have listened to us. Crying over spilt milk is stupidity but I wish I had few good memories to share with my child and friends. Memories are like an old chest to cherish all your belongings. For few its spread smiles on their faces while few still searches each corners to find something memorable. Today I have also opened the old chest in search of some good memories and I am still searching them. May be some of you could help me to find a good one to make an ordinary day special.

AND IT HAPPEND TWICE……………………………………..

No, no, no, no.……..not again but the fury of Saturn once again ogled me. I cursed the celestial moment I was born. Somewhere the wicked smile of god Saturn seems echoing in my ears. The victorious whispers of mockery and smirks seems visible everywhere. Once again I got duped. I wish I should learn from the past but making the same stupidity is insane. The toil was a sheer waste of time and effort. The pain of losing my labor was more; I wish I should take revenge from the ill wish of mighty.


Reclined on a couch near sea shore and reading news paper on Sunday morning; nothing else seems so glorious and heavenly. A brittle voice of my wife seems echoing from a very distant place. At first I pretend unnoticing it, the next vary moment the furious face of my wife appeared in my thought and I relinquish the idea of enjoying my solitude; however I could not stop myself procrastinating and prolonging the recess. I get down from the couch and approached to the cottage, the fray between my wife and my daughter was over leaving the two slap marks on my daughter’s fair cheeks. My appearance assured her safety, she rushed to me crying and calling PAPA-PAPA. She clanged to my leg. I lifted her in lap and wiped her tears though my wife was still scolding her with the warning note of not repeating the same mistake. I intervened and warded-off her from further clash; now the conflict was between me and my wife. After a little while the dialogue converted in monologue and more over p...


The assurance to stand by was so secure and vivid that I almost believed it blindly. But with each passing days my expectation and assurance seems fragile. People’s inspiration turned to their eye sore. Life seems stuck in a mirage, running every possible direction but ending up where I started. The last hope was also gone. Setting out was the only possible way to remain enjoying pride despite losing it. To be continued……………………………


SALARY????? WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT Last week I received a pesky call from one of the premier bank offering credit card with lowest EMI option, with much discussion and concentration and the lucrative benefits that they were offering I could not refrain myself coveting for the same. Everything came to a halt when they ask about SALARY? The question was obvious but the answer was absurd; I have no salary account; I receive check or sometime in cash and the meeting terminated with a sorry note. I could not correlate both the things; may be some abstruse logic goes behind it. I tried to dig out the secret of being a SALARIED PERSON. What is salary and why it is so important? Way back in 13 th century the allowance is paid to the soldiers to purchase salt is known as salt money; as it was difficult to obtain and was a high value trade it was also considered a form of currency. And the etymology goes on and transformed Anglo-French word salarie to salary. However now a...