Dear Friends, 2008 is just passing by and a new year is waiting on doorstep. Only few hours left to be added one more year in our past and we created history. This year gave me learning, caring, understanding and a complex feeling of attachment and bonding. Many of us wants to just pass by this year as this brought some miseries and pain simultaneously it gave pleasure and happiness to many. And indeed I am one of those fortunate or happiest people who are blessed with the gift of being committed. Every year we come up with some new commitment, ideas and new opportunities. Time flew on rosy wings, it seems as I have joined this company this month only. It really hard to believe the support, cooperation and moreover a healthy work environment I got. Where people work beyond considering ethnicity or differences. Where we stand up for an organization, where people not just believe to work right but right work, where we don’t just go around boss to show how good we are in our work rath...