Sometime it’s hard to choose between two when both are good. But one has to, no other reason, no other alternative available but to choose one and reject another. It’s not only about selection rather one you choose feel superior to other whereas reject curse you or to its fate. We all are human so do have the feelings. None of the person I came across who has not blamed his/her fate once it’s been rejected. Philosopher, writer and professional interpret it their own way.
One wins and other looses, though we know that other was good too and we miss that and perhaps we cry too missing that. At time we know we are never again getting that. Let’s make it more clear to you I convert it in gender so that instead of making any wild guess you can directly understand what I mean to.
There is no rocket science neither any abstruse mathematical problem but a simple logic to understand. Why we have to make a choice all the time?