What Makes Diffrence

From a couple of days I am finding the same news flashing almost all the newspapers and channels. I see so many lays off and rejected candidates. You can give number of reasons to this. Everyone who so ever comes to see me have some or the other opinion to discuss about. They might be true but deep down I see some other reason to blame upon. You can blame it to someone else or some corporation or govt. policies or other countries for this entire scenario. You can name it global meltdown or anything else. But I have a rater different opinion in the entire scenario.
I just noted down few points to discuss it with you. It’s rather personal than corporate lecture.
- No short term course for success: - I remember the scenario of year 2000 when IT market clashed and lot many people lost their job. Companies had no work to do they were either running into huge debt or shutter down their shops. Market collapsed and people started seeking their future in other industries. One who was programmer in IT Company now turned to sales and other jobs. People started loosing their money and confidence. Few courageous people came up with idea of Dot COM companies, which even didn’t work better for all but helped to recover the economy up to some extent.
Same thing taking shape in end of 2008 retail, banking and even IT company started losing their market share and employees their job. People forget the basics. There is no short-term course for success. Market crashed and people lost their job because they counted on only one skill and believed whatever they have learnt is good enough to lead them to success. In year 2000 everyone was running after learning some basic courses to join IT. Some of them were able to succumb where as few knew only basics. Today I see large no of people running after a single vacancy, they turned themselves from specialized to general. When I talk about this transformation I really mean it doing short-term investment. Today you can see the same thing in most of areas Today we more MBA’s, Engineers and Software Developers than we ever had. But we hardly have jobs to accommodate them. They transformed them from specialized to general.
- Never keep all your eggs in one basket: - we all do the same thing when we need to choose any carrier or searching for a job for that matter. I often surprise why people just count on one thing only. If it grows you will grow if it fades you will loose. The reason is simple just see around you and you will get the answer yourself. Go for MBA courses and you will be surprised to know Universities and colleges started offering Dual Specialization. Go to any bank and you will find most of them have Portfolio Manager to cater the different need of customers. They will manage your portfolio according to your income and expenses. How much you should invest in insurance and how much in mutual funds. Remember your school days why different subjects are being taught to you, notwithstanding that you are good either in one or in none.
- Need for updation is required: - What we do with old newspapers? What we do if any old news is being broadcasted on some channel. You simply throw it in trash. Being professional means being updated. Be it an Engineer, MBA or General Public we all need to be updated. What we did is our past and what we do is our present. You might have done several mistakes in your past but the only chance to make your future pleasant is to work on your present. This is universal law we keep on updating even our antivirus, and you must know the reason. Are you aware of latest happening of the world or you are lagging being. What your friends know but you don’t.
- Everything comes with an expiry date: - Everything in this word has an expiry date. Be it job, marital status or any relationship. So it’s up to you whether you want to recycle yourself or head to thrash. You might be following all the things; you might be exceptionally good in your field even though you fail. Don’t stop trying but giving your best. There are two types of people you will find in the world one who stops trying when he fails, second those who hits with full effort to turn it into victory. You can see the same thing in practical world, when batsman hits six/four on a ball bowler gets frustrated and start throwing fast bolls, so do with boxing and football. It takes years of time to develop the habit of not getting frown if we fail. Sachin Tendulkar is one of the great person I ever feel the same spirit and dedication. Today you will be the king tomorrow someone will replace you, who will be better than you. This is natural. You are there because you have replaced someone to be there and tomorrow you will be replaced. In boxing ring when one wins and other looses they hug each other without any grievances. When any match over, captain shakes their hands.
Never loose you hope if you looses something but prepare yourself for next battle. And victory will be yours. [1]