Honey we are killing ourself..............

sitting idle is the worst thing that ruins my day. it's been 6 o clock and i still working on my PC. Nobody is around to see what i am doing. i am doing something but that is neither official nor important rather personal. i love jot it down when some corny idea pop up my mind.
So what is cooking in my mind. well everybody is interested to know this.
the person sitting next to me is shouting on other fellow for not doing the the satisfactory work and due to which it affects the result of the entire process. i approach to coffee machine. taking few sips of it rejuvenate me. it sucks........i simply said in heart.
this is our daily schedule and we are addicted to that. Unlike any other B School graduate. i had the same feeling to be a manager, director or CEO for that matter. at time i find where i am heading to. since my collage days i was keen learner and very ambitious guy. i saw big dreams, i worked hard to chase my dreams. but all i realized that i am going away from the reality. where i lacked?
let's take an introspective view of our life. one of my friend left the job a couple of month back. now she is looking for a job past 4 months, one day she shared her grief with me. i am not getting calls now a days, keep on browsing internet and news paper but nothing helped out. what to do? i asked simple question of what she does the entire day? she said if she has some appointment she goes for that and if not she stays at home. i said no, i just wanted to know what you do in your free time. she said nothing (thanks for accepting the truth which other often don't.
All the problems begin with this. we do something when we have to do but we don't do when we should do. i personally believe that to know a person judge what he/she does in his/her spare time.one might say sleeping, listening music, news or reading book for that matter. My question is very simple how that benefits you? one must say it helps him to overcome of the trauma of being unsuccessful (what a lame excuse)
To be continued............