Dreams should be there.

imagine a moment you are approaching to the restaurant and guard opens the door and greets you. think of a moment when you finish your meal and waiter presents the bill. imagine the moment you go for interview and sit for the placement. none of the case you are sure of outcome but all the situation either you or other expecting a fair return. your father put his hard earned money on your education and you put your hard labor to secure good grade. and expect a good placement. keep your professional life apart and think again even in personal life we do expect the same. our parents try to make us a successful person both financially and morally. similarly we dream to be a successful manager,engineer, CEO or MD so on and so far. in personal front your spouse expect a good husband, your children expect from you a loving father or mother. your friends expects you a true friendship,your guest expects a warm welcome. and it goes on......
what if you don't get the desired result. do we stop thinking ahead. human mind is rather complected thing that makes human intelligent than other species. we never easily give up and we shouldn't. when you are sure about return you would not put your sincere effort to get it. you cannot realize the value of success until you have tasted failure. during one of my class i said the same thing to others. one of my student stood up and said "one cannot get anything before time and more than his luck." i asked few simple questions with him. "so what is the right time to do anything and how can we know about it? should we consult to the astrologers or browsing daily horoscope column?" And how will you ascertain your or others luck. even the astrologer who is not sure about his one day's bread and butter how can he predict you future." he had no answer but story doesn't end here. he might be adolescence to understand it but what about our celebrities they do have the same temperament. I don't understand why he writes Hritik and why most of the movies or sope operas start with K. Why some of our cricketers believe that wearing new vest or putting their right leg in field can make the diffrence. no one had the answer.
Reason is simple we afraid to fail. we are not concern about the learning form that failure rather what people say if we fail. i see students have too much pressuer, the weight of school bag became so much it;s no longer seems an education. a 7 year old boy carring almost 2kg weight of bag he returns 12 o'clock from school takes lunch and around 2 o'clock he has to go for tunition. no life is there. the time when he should play with other students he has burried himself in studies. because we want next bill gates or next subir bhatiya without judging what are the qualities he is blessed with. we don't wish to fail. be it anything. we affraid to loose what is not earned. we put extra labour to get that. we start killing our dream and our children's dream. we are alive till we dream when we stop dreaming we are dead because deceased never dream. our parents wish us to achieve what they could not achieve. one might not be agree with me but this is what i observed. Have you ever asked your parents what they wanted to become.
To be continued.......................... (next section is awaited)
i havn't any words.......
last five line realy makes person to things........thats what ilike most.......
great sir.....and i hope u will complete this post soon......