SALARY????? WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT Last week I received a pesky call from one of the premier bank offering credit card with lowest EMI option, with much discussion and concentration and the lucrative benefits that they were offering I could not refrain myself coveting for the same. Everything came to a halt when they ask about SALARY? The question was obvious but the answer was absurd; I have no salary account; I receive check or sometime in cash and the meeting terminated with a sorry note. I could not correlate both the things; may be some abstruse logic goes behind it. I tried to dig out the secret of being a SALARIED PERSON. What is salary and why it is so important? Way back in 13 th century the allowance is paid to the soldiers to purchase salt is known as salt money; as it was difficult to obtain and was a high value trade it was also considered a form of currency. And the etymology goes on and transformed Anglo-French word salarie to salary. However now a...