We are open.................

walking down to Saket i found people sitting outside 24by7 and discussing something in the wee hour of day. i move ahead to find a tea shop . hardly any tea shop is open. i am surprised to see the change in workplace. what keeps them on round the clock. i move to Gurgaon i find the same thing mall are open and it's late winter night. it seems that city never sleeps. one can still find the group of people moving from one corner to another beyond the time boundaries. are we turning to mechine from human? are we heading to a diffrent world............some people says working makes them crazy so what made these people sit up. it's 8 o'clock in office clock most of the employees are still there. it seems unreasonable when people says "We have family", i still find the guy next door working late night in call center and in morning searches some other oppurtunities. One must not find any difficulty to say it's all for making extra money or to get noticed.
i am not agree with that. it's been more than a month of my friend's marriage since i didn't find both (husband and wife) together except weekends. are they happy? do you think their married life is easy going. one can bet on this but all that glitter are not gold. one day i get the news that they got divorced. where we landed up? we all are part of this material world where achievment is everything and failure is curse. one of the great philospher and scientist (Chales Darwin) well said it in his book "Origin of species by mean of natural selection".
it's not all about making money or achievement and it doesn't stop here. The list is long so many parameters can be added. but reason is simple i call it earn and burn concept. i earn it and i am free to spend it. Nobody wants to spend a single pie to others be it his/her own parents as a reason it prevailed to nuclear family. We find office better place to spend our time than being at home.
i walk down to other place and see the hanging sign of "We are open". I moved ahead saluting the dedication of employees.
its harsh reality
which bites really hard specially to the young youth couple
so its better to figure it out long
bfore you get this vicious taste