The Other Side of Grass........

The other side of grass
An old adage goes ‘Grass is always look green from the other side’ lateral meaning of this would be ‘people always see the brighter aspect of anything whereas there is some dark aspect too.’ We see success as an achievement where as we don’t consider the pain which one has to bear to get that. In a layman term we focus on result not the endeavor or labor put to get that achievement.
I remember an old incident to make this clear to you. During my project work in some NGO (name cannot be disclosed) we were considering on various improvement programs are being run by our organization most of them were of child relief, women empowerment and so on. One of our program was focused on upliftment of garbage cleaners and junk dealer. Basically our coordinator has to visit the places where garbage clears dwell and the main work of coordinator is to motivate garbage cleaners to leave that work and provide them some better opportunity. One day one of our coordinator came up with one garbage cleaner and reported that in spite of telling so many good things and offering a lucrative and reputed job he is reluctant to leave his work of garbage cleaning.
We asked some simple questions and we were surprised to know the facts. I would love to share the same conversation with you.
Project Manager (P.M.)- Why do you do that I mean collecting garbage?
Junk Dealer (J.D.)- This is my bread and butter. How can I leave this?
P.M.- we will provide you a better job. In fact a reputed one.
J.D.- I don’t want. I am happy with my job and I don’t have other skills too.
P.M.- we will give you a job of gatekeeper. You will be getting Rs. 5000 p.m. and I don’t think it’s a small amount.
J.D.:- you know me and my brother altogether earns Rs. 70,000 p.m. and we are free to work when we feel like where as if I work for someone else I’ll be bound to work as he says.
P.M.- but what about reputation you will get?
J.D.:- Sir, I am not qualified as you are neither I am literate enough. But all I know is that reputation; society, caste etc are made by you only. For us it means nothing. I am sure most of you will be putting up in rented house but I have my own. Ok. Tell me one thing how much you pay as rent?
P.M.- Around 5 thousand.
J.D.- I got my own house during one of the govt. programm. I gave it on rent and every month I am getting Rs. 5000 p.m. and putting up in a cottage.
P.M.- Ok that’s all right but look at your standard of living?
J.D.- (hacked off) last week I purchased a bed worth Rs. 17,000. How many of you have good bed to sleep and a part of that I do have refrigerator, television, washing machine etc. We are not behind you in any aspect. I proud of my job, my work, my family and my culture. He continued. It is because of us only the funds you are getting by the name of improvement of our life. If there will be no G. D. there will be no job for you and you will be doing the same thing what I am doing. Because some one has to do it, so why not me.
He got up from the chair and moved to the door. No body dared to say something or to stop him.
I kept on thinking of the same a couple of days. And one day I read interesting news in Times Of India (TOI) which states that in Delhi an average book seller (people who sale magazines and books on road) earning Rs. 300 a day where as a beggar earns Rs. 450 in a day. Same thing I came across in Patna, I interviewed an old beggar. Her son was working as a contractor of parking near some cinema talkies and earning Rs. 1000 to 2000 in a day. After taking her in full confidence of not to reveal the facts to others she told me that she earns around Rs. 10,000 in a day. Better than working somewhere.
I realized the reality of various govt. programs and why poor are still poor. Not because they are poor but they love to be look like. Reservation, caste system and inequality are the major issue, which every one picks up in elections only. I believe we need to understand bottom of pyramid once again. It’s not like as it seems rather very unpredictable. We have to redefine the parameters of measuring inequality. Where all the counties are concern of improvement/upliftment of poor living standard which doesn’t exist in fact. I appreciate Mr. Jarkoji to call honorable economist Mr. Amartya Sen to redefine the economic structure of France. We need to take initiative to make world a better place to live. Where there will be no inequality, malnutrition, and poor life style.
We all need to understand “Grass is not always green and rather it seems green from the other side only”.
Keep on writing such articles.
Best of luck.
Aamir Ali