chase of dreams.........(contd. dreams should be there)

Below mention discussion is a part of this article. personal information and some part of discussion and identity of other fellow have been suppressed from public view. keeping the same thing in mind some alteration has been made.
Me: your comments inspire me to do better
Anonymous: oh...thanks
Me: don't know what I wish to get and why I do such strange thing like writing and reading but deep down somewhere I have a quest of being famous. Perhaps this would turn to a good plate form
Anonymous: just remember to keep this fire within you alive n it would take its own course of time
Me: I have seen having the same flair in people but sooner it starts dwindling.
Anonymous: no, it does seem it’s dwindling. But its u who has to find ways to rekindle it
Me: yeah it's true, I write because I want to share my feeling with others’, but success in not easy to be earned
Anonymous: yes. And get acknowledged for the same
Me: how many people visited my blog and how many of them gave me comment or acknowledge it.
Anonymous: it’s about your status message (As my customized Message is Keeping Hopes may not improve your future, but it will certainly reduce the pain of Today!!!) yeah so is it really hopes
Me: yeah hope never ends
Anonymous: that take u ahead
Me: no defeat is final until u stop trying. You know what I believe about HOPE
Anonymous: no is it just hope or something else too
Me: it' just waiting for a bus at bus stop if you get the right bus. You are fortunate. Something else...............
Anonymous: nope. I beg to differ. I feel one has to fit against all odds
Me: it's a game of probability
Anonymous: against even your destiny no it’s a game of do or die as long as u do
Me: destiny is something, which you don't know
Anonymous: you go ahead. Yes
Me: ok
Anonymous: but do u think hope would take u anywhere
Me: I if I give u a business proposal where return is not sure. Would u like to invest in my business certainly not?
Anonymous: elaborate
Me: because you are not sure about return. You may get and you may not get. Proposal is great
Anonymous: so
Me: but return is not sure, you would afraid to invest
Anonymous: so
Me: ok if you agree to invest (let's assume) and you don't get return you start repenting of what you lost...your investment be it money or time or endeavor
Anonymous: no
Me: I have seen people preparing for civil exams or different courses
Anonymous: so do u leave it forever or u rebound back
Me: no we don't easily give up
Anonymous: then
Me: because still some return is there
Anonymous: so
Me: we might get return
Anonymous: then do we stop struggling
Me: if it goes well
Anonymous: thru our bad times
Me: no it's not like that but everybody is conscious about fair return
Anonymous: so
Me: Means return should be there
Anonymous: yes its there
Me: ok let's take it other ways
Me: if you have to switch your job. First you will search a good opportunity then only u switch right na?
Anonymous: yes
Me: because some return should be there
Anonymous: n how long u planning to search
Me: and it should be sure
Anonymous: no at times u might not get what u want isn’t it
Me: if you are good enough to get a job why you switch when u have job
Anonymous: no here u r its better to keep up Ur value if unless u n govt. job
Me: ha ha ha
Anonymous: I feel. One should maintain one's value
Me: why our parents or we keep some part of our money as saving
Anonymous: study market closely. No that is thru
Me: no that doesn't make difference
Anonymous: but if don’t aim big u don’t do anything
Me: if Nandan Nilekani leaves his job and start searching a new job would he get the same position
Anonymous: why should he leave
Me: if he leaves
Anonymous: and why don’t you think what all he has done to reach thru.
Me: simple assumption
Anonymous: he has carved a niche for himself and he is irreplaceable
Me: u will be honored till u r successful once you get fail u loose
Anonymous: no. Have u heard
Me: no anybody in this world is irreplaceable
Me: I beg your pardon but u sound like scholars
Anonymous: no
Me: yeah
Anonymous: I am bound to this that
Me: great
Anonymous: it has depended my belief
Me: using big words can make sense but not the difference
Anonymous: yes they do. If I tell you honestly u will be shocked
Me: ok tell me how you’re different from your contemporary students or workers for that matter
Anonymous: I am a mediocre student with lofty aims as B.Tech graduate
Me: dreams should be there
Anonymous: I had...13 backs
Me: go on
Anonymous: and its just one. That I didn’t clear rest I have done. I was devastated when I was asked to sit out of my class. I didn’t meet anybody for a year...nobody in my flat Just my best friend was with Me. and then I had to do it. I made a come back, got a job in wipro technologies from hard luck. I couldn’t join as I was still clearing my
Backs and then went for my 7th SEM classes with my juniors and after that...CDAC Noida got a job in beehive. Wasn’t happy at all for 1.4 yrs of my time finally. I got this job at last some respite but then this not the end so?
Me: great I agree with you. I need a small favor from you
Anonymous: yes
Me: may I use this conversation for my blog. Dream should be there
Anonymous: yes, make Me Anonymous
Me: yeah, if you wish so I’ll do the same great conversation
What I wanted is to convey is simple we emphasis getting college degree spending years learning which we hardly use in our life. We start crushing our dreams. We all believe that we have to do something. We are born with different temperament and blessed with some or the other quality. Fail is not one who missed a chance to achieve the success but one who stopped trying. During my days of depression, I learnt the same lesson. I had no other work to do. Browsing newspaper daily became my daily work. Everyday I use to get up with a new expectation that today will be my day. You are not sure when you are so close to your destination. I cursed myself several time. Every one started giving me suggestion of what to do and what not to do. Sooner their encouragement and support turned into sympathy. I became a part of their discussion. One of my friends well said,
“Unemployment makes a person joker.” I realized the drastic change in their behavior, sooner they started cutting off from me. I started getting depressed day by day, my failure cause me frustration. But in spite of being devastated, I made up my mind to fight back. I WILL NOT GIVE UP. To avoid my frustration and to improve my skill, knowledge and communication I started writing stories, articles and translation of Hindi movies and serials in English. It took me almost 6 month to win the race against the failure. See why I discussed above mention conversation and why I discussed my personal life, both have one thing common. Either you give up or fight against the situation. I am staunch supporter of “only dead fish swim along stream, alive always swing against stream.” everyone does good when good time is with him only a few fight against the situation and make a suitable move. She had some dream and she fought back to regain the position. We often give up when we are almost close to the success. One more trial can make us successful. It’s all about chasing your dreams.
How to know the right time to approach to get the success? How many trials we can have? Why we fail? Why we smolder seeing other’s growing? In spite of being good in several aspect why you lag behind? Will be discussed in next session. Dreams unlimited.