THE LIFE LINE- one more day to live…….

One more suspicion and one more clarification but the prejudice had already been made. Finally upgraded my thesaurus, confrontation, acceptance and remorse has been interchanged with suspicion, guilt, blames and many more catastrophically words and phrases. Can exile or renouncement be the only solution of our miseries? The barren mind could not produce any better and soon the entire piece of work found its new abode at bin. Was it money or stability I was wishing to prolong for? Fastidious minds; cursed them and to the god, turmoil soon came to end with a warning note. Could not fathom it, the combinations seem abstruse, the judgment was already made. How long it will prevail? The adjustment was weird and choices were narrowed. The bleak out life was searching meaning and importance of it. Screaming responsibilities were dragging me down. Kaleidoscopic view of miseries were indeed a novel candy for great minds and may be some day will be buried in hard bound book;...