Spent hours to diagnose of what has happened to me, search out several and several sites and pages to find the answer of my quest. On one site the question of time travel was the hot topic. The flooded answers with abstruse logic and crave for perfection was everywhere. I realized it was not only I paranoid with this syndrome but many more. One more incident of today’s morning appeared before me; I was trying to connect my headphone with my phone however my headphone is not compatible with my phone. Despite several attempt to connect it I failed, I gave up the idea of listening my favorite music. Though it was a normal routine to me and everybody would suggest changing either one but perhaps that’s not the answer I am looking for. We don’t have choices every time or at time we never wish to. It’s just like travelling with flat tyre though you are sure you cannot go very far yet you don’t have the extra one. One more practical and realistic incident appeared before me when...